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Mother's Day Hangover? Me Too...

So what's this Mother's Day Hangover all about? I've been thinking a lot about Mother's Day on the build up to the day and was hit by a few things in my own reflective spaces and in the words client's had shared.

It's a lot of pressure for mom's to feel enough appreciation in a singular day that will last them an entire year, until the next Mother's Day.

Mom's do so much invisible labor for their families, and so much of it goes unrecognized because I think it is often also truly unseen or unknown by their family and partner. This aspect of a chronic insufficiency in appreciation leads so many moms to feeling pressured to get Mother's Day "right". I heard "I don't know what I want! There's so much pressure to choose the "right" way to spend these 24 hours!" and I also heard "Choosing wrong on Mother's Day is the worst because I don't get another chance to be 'selfish' for a full year".

Oof. These comments have stuck around and I keep pondering what has led to such an inaccessibility to TIME and SPACE for mom's that makes some of these sentiments feel so incredibly universal.

So if this resonates, or you're regretting how busy or full your day was or how empty and relaxing your day was, know that I see you. I am you. There isn't a singular "right" way to spend the day because each of your desires and needs here have value and deserve space. And I'll stand here holding hope that mom's don't wait a full year until their next decision rooted in what's best for THEM. For YOU.

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